"I've never told anyone this, but a month before the accident, Cordelia started a pretty awful argument with me. I can't say that I remember what it was about, but at a certain point, she was so furious with me that she tried to take out my right eye."

"I remember the pain so vividly. She had only scratched the cornea, but it left a scar I would have had for the rest of my life on my eyelid."

"I remember how immediately she came to regret it. Seconds after she started screaming and crying, apologizing over and over. Despite everything she said, I couldn't forgive her. She wanted to blind me, if only for a brief moment. Over something that barely mattered."

"I never considered her a person capable of violence until that moment. I never saw her the same way again."

"Why couldn't I forgive her? I was so selfish then. I would give anything to talk to her now."

-Milo Williams